Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mexico, Puerto Panasco (Rocky Point)

Yep, it is just like this the whole time. Awesome!

But the vacation started with the drive from Cedar City to Mesa, AZ so there was the drive through Lake Powell which Clayton had never seen before. We stopped at the dam and admired it's incredibleness.
Don't worry dad, we took some dam pictures and admired the dam boats, and ate a dam hamburger, etc. etc.
Then on past the Grand Canyon, we didn't have time to actually drive through the park, but the landscape looks pretty cool outside the park from the main highway.

Flagstaff was having a monsoon. It was awesome and I decided that this will be my next home. I loved that place.

Then a quick stop in Arizona, we met up with the Nielson's met the fam's and bought some groceries, then we headed on to the border. It was dark when we arrived but this next picture is what we woke up to in the morning. This is the view off the balcony of the condo.
There was a lazy river, a waterslide, and several pools. We lived in our swimsuits. It was great.
We ventured out to the town and Clayton of course had to have a picture of this place.
We shopped in the shops, didn't buy a thing and then rented this ranger and went jeeping. I must admit I was a wuss. I was terrified the whole time. Yeah, I know, that's not like me but we also rented jet ski's. Clayton had never been on one before and he had the time of his life. We just don't have any pictures of that.
Here's us in the pool. Clayton loves that hat.
We basically went from the ocean, to the pool, back to the ocean, ate, back to the pool, and then the ocean, you get the picture. Here is Clayton and Brik snorkeling. We all went out the last morning when the tide was really low and we saw all sort of awesome fish. Kind of like finding nemo. I felt like I was on the discovery channel. And yes, just for the record, my head was under the water.

Don't ask what this is. I have no idea but it was really disgusting.
Then there were all these hermit crabs. They were so cute. Running all over the place.
Here is a jelly fish. Some lady was walking around picking them up. She told us they were argentinian jelly fish or something like that and they could sting us. None of us ever got stung though, thank heavens. We only saw them on the shore, never in the water. Kinda strange.

We went out to dinner at the Hacienda. It was awesome with the best avacado dip ever.

A huge rainstorm came through. We thought it was going to rain a ton but it basically went all around us. It was beautiful.

These are the famous snorkeling goggles. Anyone who wore them instantly looked amazing.

The view off the front balcony.
Then during the rain, we got the spa treatment, Massage and pedicure. Yep it was my first pedicure ever.
Here's the final product.

We did more snorkeling and swimming in the morning and then headed out. Sadly, now it's all over and we are back at home. But it was an awesome vacation.


Lyndee said...

ok, now I am totally jealous!! That looks like so much fun! We should plan some grand vacation like that together sometime! :) p.s. cute shirt!!

Anonymous said...

That looks so fun. I am glad you did the dam trip and had a good dam time, eating dam food and all. Sure would have liked to join in the dam fun with you, but my dam visit there will have to be another day. WE did drive by the dam store this weekend and across the dam to the cabin. It was as wonderful as ever. Grandma baked us a huckleberry pie!!!!! But I would like to visit that place too! Dad

Aubrey said...

I'm totally jealous too. Carlin wants to go to Mexico - maybe I will tell him about this place.

The Reagans said...

I am so jealous! What a fun relaxing vacation! Glad to hear you had fun!

Lyndee said...

nice music! i like it! :)

Mikelle said...

Your trip looked way fun. I have heard Rocky Point is a pretty place now i know. Cute toes too!

The walker family said...

Miss Hailey,

So fun to see your pictures. Flagstaff is our favorite place too - where we went to college, met, lived our first few years of wedded bliss, where our first child was born...glad to hear you like it too. You look happy, I'm glad!

-Carol - James would say hello too, but he is in Chicago tonight, I am sure he will send his hello later. By the way, have you had any reason to use his 'how to punch hard' lessons on anyone? Hopefully not. :)

Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures! I absolutely LOVE the beach. Give me beaches over the mountains anyday. (your uncle david would disagree.) Have fun while you can and enjoy life.
Aunt sharon

Lauren said...

so...i just found your blog and your trip looks awesome! Bridger's fam went there a couple of years ago and loved it. Anyways, looks awesome. When are we going to go shopping again? Toodles!
PS. Our blog:

Poelmans said...

yay! that looks like a blast. glad i found you guys :)

The Geists said...

WOW!!! that looks like fun!COol pictures.