Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Our friends had a pumpkin carving/caramel apple dipping party and we skipped the pumpkin carving and went straight for the apple dipping. As you can see no one was kind enough to answer Clayton's question of how you are supposed to eat them. Absolutely delicious though!!

Then on Halloween night, we headed to Palmdale to spend some time with Clayton's family.
Travis was a bat and he figured out how to hold his arms out to show off his costume but wouldn't do it for this picture.

Then there were the best costumes ever!!! I don't know these people but I loved their cosutmes.


Lyndee said...

nice! him and keyan should hang out some time! :)

The Geists said...

That is funny, I love how messy Clayton got eating his apple. Looks like you know how to have fun.