Saturday, May 2, 2009

Clinic in Nicaragua

So because the government of Costa Rica wouldn't allow us to do dental work in their country, we had to drive to Nicaragua and set up our clinic there. It was kind of last minute, but we got a hold of the church and we were able to use their building. These are just a few pictures of the clinic we had. by the way I am wearing my hat in this picture because if not I would have been sweating on the patient. 100 degrees 100% humidity!!!!!!!! That makes for a warm clinic.

When this little girl sat down on my table she was super nervous. I calmed her down and by the time I started drilling she was fine. She had some pretty bad teeth, but we were able to hook her up.

This picture was taken from the pulpit. It was a tiny chapel, but we fit even though it was super crowded. All in all it was an awesome clinic. We had lots of fun and we were able screen over 1260 people. We did over 350 restorations, and pulled as many teeth. The town was so grateful. They put us on the radio and a news crew came down from Managua (the capital of Nicaragua) to film us.


Cara said...

Clayton-your trip looks like it was fun and so beautiful!

Pat & Donna said...

What a wonderful "mission" of love and care........ great work and devotion. Really, what a gift.

The Geists said...

That sounds and looks like an awesome trip and what a wonderful thing to do!!!! It just makes me feel bad that you had to pull just as many teeth. It just shouldn't be that way, at least they are out of pain, or in less pain. We are excited to some visit.

Megan and Mike said...

that is so cool you got to do that!!!!