Saturday, November 7, 2009

Joshua Tree National Park

I was having a craving for camping so Clayton told me if I planned it, he would come along. We had so much fun. The weather was cold everywhere else so we went to Joshua Tree and we had never been there before. It was really cool. Thank you everyone who came with us!
Our sweet little girl might not be such a fan of the outdoors, dang it. She looks peaceful here and she did alright on the trip but she was fussier while outside than she is anywhere else. She is a little replica of her Father in yet another area of life. :)
(He claims he is happy as long as there is a hotel and a shower, but take away those two things...)
Group photog
Group photographer
See that little white speck of a t-shirt halfway up the rock? That's me.
Yeah right, I wish I were that tough
We went on a not so scenic hike to this old abandoned gold mine. It was cool.
...I say not so scenic because a fire had come through the area not so long ago and all we saw was black and dead.
Here is Mike sneaking through the fence to get a closer look
Joshua Trees
Our campsite

What is that face? I have no idea

Trying out the new pack'n'play

Skull rock

Helping set up the tent. Thank you!

1 comment:

Lyndee said...

that looks like so much fun! and I have a pack n play just like that but it's blue and brown :) I think we should "winter" in calli with you so we can camp too :)