Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Polar Bear Club

This is Anna's first day standing in flipflops. She really is my girl. She didn't even try to get them off once. Love her!

Here is Anna with Great Grandma Rosie

Even thought it was January we thought it was such a nice day that we wanted to get in the pool. Unfortunately the pool is not heated but we did it anyway.
It felt like ice and looking at the picture above you wouldn't think it was that bad. The kids hardly seemed to mind. Looking at my expression however, you realize otherwise.

Anna was loving it. She thought it was funny. I finally had to just pull her out, purple toes and all.
Travis would jump in on one end and go as fast as he could to the exit over and over with warming up in between
The funny part was that the second you were out of the water you were completely warm again. Not even any shivering.
The sun started to go down so we went back inside where Anna was having a grand old time playing Grandma Rosie's piano.
Fun Times. We always love visiting!


Cassandra said...

Oh my gosh! She is totally standing! Love the pool pics--you are a much braver woman than I.

Lyndee said...

I love, love, love the first picture!!! and you guys are crazy! :)

Aubrey said...

Your little girl is so cute! And I am way behind on my blog reading, looks like you've been having a blast with yachts and all.