Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Decor! Yay!

Notice the rearrangement of the furniture and the book basket with our christmas story books.

Sorry, we couldn't take the pictures with the lights off. I wasn't in the mood to play photographer, sorry Lyndee.
No, we haven't started a fire yet. I mean seriously, at 65 degrees? Just kidding, it has gotten colder than that but we don't have any wood. One day we'll go buy some and I'm sure it will be a monumental occasion, like camping with the boy scouts.
More garland and lights to spread the christmas spirit.
Here's our newly aquired nativity. We absolutely love it!


Lyndee said...

cute!!!!! This is the first pics I have seen of your house!

Rachelle Carling said...

Hai... I love your Christmas decor! How stinkin' cute. Especially your nativity, I love the Willow Tree stuff. Well, I miss seeing and talking to you. Happy Winter in California.

Crescent said...

Your Christmas stuff is so cute! I love putting up the decorations.... I just hate having to take them down!