Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thanksgiving in Colorado

Gracie and baby Nora

"I WAS a tiny baby"
Rasberry pie baked by the one and only Clayton

Ann in the kitchen with the "Jibblets"

The Girls (Mary, Alissa, Beth, & Cara)

All bundled up and nowhere to go...(Mikey, Grace, & Camden)
"Is he really ok?"

John-Stephen and the "bubbly"

How does 25 mph all the way back from vegas sound? Ok it wasn't all the way but mostly, and we even left at 7 AM.

Not moving

Thank heavens Clayton's dad knew a short cut.

Get me out of this car!!!

1 comment:

Lyndee said...

nice pictures hailey! and what a fun trip you had home! :)