Tuesday, October 20, 2009


If you can't read the sign, it says: "How many pumpkins can you carry?" And then you pay 16.99 for as many pumpkins you can carry. You don't have to be able to walk you just have to carry them. Our friends claim they got 9 but I think they cheated. :)
Clayton got six! Now the questions is how do we carve six pumpkins? Don't worry, we'll figure it out.
The pumpkins were sold at a nursery and they had some cool plants in there. I just liked this one cuz the leaf was bigger than my whole torso.


Poelmans said...

haha, I was going to buy two pumpkins but switched to one while checking out because I realized we'd probably only want to carve one.

Lyndee said...

fun! I wish someone would do that here! that is a good deal and I have some good recipes for pumpkin if you want them. ;)

Aubrey said...

That's awesome - I would love something like that!