Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yesterday I went to the LA Arboretum. It is entirely amazing. I had no idea how huge it is!
My camera however was set on the wrong setting for the first few pictures, I fixed it after this one. oops

I want to live in that house, is it a problem that it is part of a state museum? It is surrounded on three sides by water and is absolutely beautiful, especially for the time period it was built.

Really? Something is actually named Catawampus? How cool is that?

After the catawampus we headed into the jungles.
...and then into the redwood forest.

Thanks Brik. (He babysat for me while I took a trip to the restroom. I forget what do you do with your child when you have to go to the bathroom?)


Lyndee said...

that does look like a cool place! how much is it when it's not free? We will have to plan our next trip accordingly. :)

Aubrey said...

Catawumpus - that's great! As for going to the bathroom, you get really talented and really fast. Strollers are also handy and don't feel guilty using the handicapped stalls. ;)

Pat & Donna said...

You and the babe look marvelous! And the inginuity one learns after one has a baby..... try a using a plane's restroom with a little one in tow...... LOL
and catawumpus was awesome!

The walker family said...

So fun to see Anna, she is beautiful!