Sunday, March 6, 2011

Love the Arboretum

Ok, so these pictures are all out of order but we went to the Arboretum again and were not really quite ready for the day so we both look a little frumpy but here are the pictures nonetheless.

This is my friend Vanessa
This tree looked like it had been toilet papered but it was just the flowers.
It rained hard the night before so this awesome turtle was swimming in rain water, I'm assuming. I have seen this pond before and it is usually very nice looking.
Here is Anna watching the water

The Catawampus

More water


Aubrey said...

Okay, your frumpy is me on a good day. I love that Arboretum, I want to come visit just so I can go there!

Lyndee said...

that is a cool place! and I love the toilet paper tree :)