Sunday, September 9, 2012

August 27, 2011 New Car!!

Well, today, we went from this...

to this!
I promised Clayton that the 4 Runner wouldn't die, and that there was no possible way it would just spontaneously explode.  Well, I was wrong.  It did.  He pulled in the driveway from work the other day, and it started spraying water everywhere.  Apparently it had been running short of a few parts for a while.  And it is more that 20 years old.  We loved that car and will miss it.  It took us on some great adventures.  Here is our new Jeep.  I'm sure it will take us on many more.  It is really nice and brand new. We love it already.  Spoiled rotten?  Yes we are.  (The dealer even paid us to take our 4 Runner that can't drive longer than 5 minutes, what a deal)

(This is in our parking spot at our apartment. And the pool is straight ahead of the car.)

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