Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hello Spain! We have arrived.

After forever on an airplane we arrived in Madrid.  We slept for a bit and then walked around to check out the town.

One of the entrances to the Plaza Mayor for Madrid (each city has it's own Plaza Mayor)

So many memories her for this lad

There was a huge protest going on in all the Plaza Mayors all over Spain.  It was basically equal to the Occupy Wallstreet protests that followed her in the States.  The Policia had really cool uniforms.

They were checking some peoples bags before entering the square.  Didn't check mine though, I must not have looked like a threat?

One of the apartments Clayton lived in while on his mission. Second row of balconies, corner apartment

Checking out Atocha, the train station

Turtles in the pond in the middle of the train station

It was basically like a greenhouse inside

The next day we headed to Alcala on the Renfe (train out to the other cities)

Alcala was a cool little town

Storks made these massive nests on the tops of all the buildings

There was a small museum that was free so we walked through it

Baptismal Font for Miguel de Servantes who wrote Don Quixote. He was born in Alcala de Henares.

More pictures in the other post titled "Alcala."

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