Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 2

We woke up in the morning to about six inches of snow on the back porch. It was gorgeous

We headed into the park for a day of hiking and here is a waterfall off the side of the road.

Anna seemed like she was ready to go and ready to love it.

...however at about this point we decided maybe she's just not the hiking type. She gets that from her dad.

We heard that Half Dome is the best hike to do in the park however it was closed because of snow and ice so we'll head back one day closer to the summer to try again but this hike up to a lake was close enough for us. The view was awesome. And this is a picture of Half Dome from the lake.

We headed home for dinner just in time. Good thing we had taken our chains along because they shut down the road and wouldn't let anyone out of the park without chains. It was quite the adventure but the roads actually didn't need chains, they weren't really that bad. But the decision wasn't up to us so we put them on and headed home to a nice crockpot meal.
Deer in the yard of the playground by the cabin.
Here is the video of the hike to the lake. So much fun!!!


Pat & Donna said...

what snow in california??
and the little sleeping beauty so so so cute! glad to see you building family memories!

Lyndee said...

now that is a waterfall!! I need to go there :) and I love the gloves on her :)

Anonymous said...

UMM I need to do that hike.. that looks like a bunch of fun!!! i still cant believe you have a kiddo and are married. ooo how the time flies

jordan said...

so gorgeous... and cold! we definitely need to get there.

Sue said...

I love Anna's hiking boots! THey are soooo cute!