Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yosemite trip

Here is day one. And the Yosemite posts are finished. We had so much fun and saw such an incredible place.
Here is the photo shoot spot. You come out of this tunnel and this view hits you in the face. It is almost jaw dropping. Of course the pictures look fake and don't do it justice at all, but WOW!

After we had our little photo shoot, there was a hike right above the view point so Clayton and I decided to try it out. It was really fun and absolutely gorgeous. We probably hiked about a mile up and then the snow got heavier and heavier and then turned into hail. So we turned around and headed back down. Then when we got to the bottom, we realized we were probably almost there. Better safe than sorry though and we still loved it. We saw another waterfall that you couldn't actually see from anywhere else in the park.
The trail was also a river
And I found this cool tree
Here is the tunnel that you come through
This river runs along the bottom of the valley/canyon.
Now you may be wondering, "Hailey, why are you posting so many pictures of the same waterfall?" To which my reply is... "actually each picture is a different waterfall my friend."

The drive back to our cabin
The babysitter
"Can't read my, can't read'a'my poker face, pa pa pa poker face"


Lyndee said...

that is a cool tree and those are some awesome pictures :)

The Hughes' said...

Wow! How beautiful! Looks like fun! I can't believe how blonde your little girl is!! She is just adorable!!

Sue said...

Beautiful! I love that! how far away is it from your house?

Anonymous said...

You guys are always doing something!! Luckyyyyyyy. How you been beautiful?