Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Giant Sequoias

We went on a hike through the Giant Sequoias and Anna was not happy. Her and Hadley kept taking turns screaming and nothing would make them happy. However, as we set her down at the end of the trip, this was the look on her face. How can you be mad at that?
I love this picture but you'll just have to excuse the fingerprint in the middle of the camera.
They had this road closed for the winter. The reason? I guess we'll never know, but it was longer than the hike through the trees that is for sure. Oh well, it was worth it.

I can't remember the details but we read about why they don't burn. Many of them have been through some intense fires and they hold up just fine. I think it's something about the moisture in the bark.

This was Anna crying. We had to document it for blackmail purposes in the future.
Some people cut this hole in the tree years and years ago and they drove cars through it in the 40s or something. Who knows why but it sure looked really cool.

Here is a tree that had toppled for some reason. Can you believe those roots?


jordan said...

we totally missed out!!

Lyndee said...

those are awesome ginormous trees!